Used Featherlite Horse Trailer for sale in Florida
Item No: FL-HT-465H

2006 FEATHERLITE Platinum Edition Horse Trailer!!!
This 22ft 4 horse trailer was only used 5 times and is in Like New condition! See details for full description.
$14,850. Fort Myers, Florida.
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4-horse Platinum Edition trailer. Has Platinum package with full front and rear insulation and lighting, deluxe camper door to fully carpeted and finished dressing room with screen and deadbolt, 24" walk thru door with lock to dressing room, escape door, rubber 3/4" floor, padded stall dividers, removable divider bottom half of last stall (stud wall), drop down feed windows with drop down bars on both head and butt side, (4) 2-way pop up vents in roof, rear collapsible tack wall with removable/adjustable 4 saddle rack with blanket bars, 6-hook halter bar, and 2 brush trays, 20 tie rings inside, 4 tie rings outside, plus many more extras!
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